Patricia Kelly - My Christmas Concert CD
Patricia Kelly - My Christmas Concert CD
Patricia Kelly - My Christmas Concert CD
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Erschienen am : 20.11.2020 EMI Records


CD 361345


CHF 0,00

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CHF 16,90
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Tracks :
1   Kelly, Patricia - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen 04:36
2   Kelly, Patricia - Angels We Have Heard On High 04:15
3   Kelly, Patricia - Oh Come All Ye Faithful 03:14
4   Kelly, Patricia - The First Noel 05:05
5   Kelly, Patricia - Die Nacht ist vorgedrungen 04:14
6   Kelly, Patricia - Maria durch ein Dornwald ging 03:52
7   Kelly, Patricia - An Angel 04:08
8   Kelly, Patricia - Heart Of God 05:08
9   Kelly, Patricia - Brothers And Sisters 04:30
10 Kelly, Patricia - Villancicos De Navidad 04:50
11  Kelly, Patricia - Tochter Zion 03:22
12 Kelly, Patricia - Happy X-Mas (War Is Over) 04:13
13 Kelly, Patricia - Stille Nacht 05:19

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